Demystifying Fabricatorz: Frequently Asked Questions Released

Fabricatorz maybe clear to some and mysterious to others. Over the last few months we have been updating our Frequently Asked Questions. Fabricatorz has existed for some time as an oral tradition of storytelling. Our goal is to get you involed, and that means we must demystify the Fabricatorz Cultural Operating System. If you have questions which you think should be answered and added to the FAQ, please send us an email.

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Happy Bassel Birthday Writing Released

Happy Bassel Birthday! And, to Bassel, Happy 39th Birthday. Over at Jon released a writing in honor of his friend as a forging of the fellowship of friends to support Bassel. Have a read now or on your long weekend.

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RAW DATA NOW Studies the COVID-19 Outbreak in Singapore

At the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, after surviving two close encounters with C19 in Hong Kong and again in Italy, after arriving to safety in St. Louis, I began chatting with my long-time friend, Gloria Chiang. She too (like you) was in lock-down, but in Singapore. Even though she is from Singapore, she could not get back to her life in Beijing. Both of us were stable at home, and neither of us have idle hands. Time to use our energy to fight for humanity!

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Qi Hardware Now Qiware

As a deep dive into the new world of Crypto and the exploration of the technology industry in Shenzhen, the Qi Hardware project refreshed with two initiatives:

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