Scale Sensorium Released

Scale Sensorium Cover by Makio135

Today Scale Publishing released Scale Sensorium with the title, “New Tools for Organizing the Sensorium.”

Contributions by:

Andrew McLuhan
Andy Hartzell
Jon Phillips
Luke Rollins
Paul Guzzardo
Petra Cortright
Tyler Chevéz Mathews
Cover by Makio135

The publication drop includes 87 NFKeys + 13 additional unique artist proofs free for the first 13 signups of SCALE: Sensorium.

The theme is pulled from Walter Ong’s Presence of the Word (1967). Ong was a cultural and religious historian, philosopher, and protégé and friend of Marshall McLuhan.

“Man’s sensory perceptions are abundant and overwhelming. He cannot attend to them all at once…It is useful to think of cultures in terms of the organization of the sensorium…the entire sensory apparatus as an operational complex.”

SCALE: Sensorium is a type of a field guide including poems, executable code, essays, and cautionary tales.

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